Hash 633 – Prince of Wales @ Shrivenham

2 Oct 2022KeithMike

This hashmag is written with apologies to Messrs Mills & Boon

Tilly Truelove jumped out of bed on a Sunday morning filled with excitement and pleasure at the thought of the day ahead.  She had been invited to go running with the Kennet Valley Hash House Harriers by a friend of her grandfathers’ called Navy Mike.  She had no idea what a hash was except that it was going to be great fun running in the open countryside surrounded by slim athletic and handsome young men and then having cocktails with them in the pub afterwards.

There was a slight sense of disappointment when she joined a small group outside the pub as half the group were women;  and the men, though distinguished and genial, were all older than her father.  Everybody was kind and helpful however and after Keith, the man who had organised today’s hash, had told everybody how far they had to run or walk and that there were no dangers on the way – she decided to set off with the walkers.  

Tilly was so glad she had joined the hash as the walk, which led through unspoilt countryside to the south of the town, was a delight in the autumn sunshine . She felt a little tired after walking for about an hour and a quarter and it was lovely to sit in the pub garden with a cool drink.  The runners came in about twenty minutes after the walkers and Tilly loved the relaxed and friendly atmosphere – and the old fashioned formality when Navy Mike gave a short speech thanking Keith for a lovely trail.

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