Date | Hare | Scribe |
2 Apr 2023 | Keith | Annie |
A goodly number of Hashers gathered at The Barrington Arms for April’s first Hash. We welcomed a new runner, Cara – I hope you come back again as you reduced the average age of the group by a couple of decades. We welcomed back Lynda and Andy who joined us at the previous Shrivenham Hash. Now that they know Hashes are not every 6 months and only in Shrivenham, they have vowed to join us again. Good news.
Shrivenham never disappoints, neither does Keith who managed to weave us in and out of the lovely countryside which was looking rather splendid. I have to hand it to the local folk who have clearly put a lot of thought into tree and daffodil planting and created a natural and beautiful landscape. It was rivalled by some magnificent magnolias in the village gardens.
I’m not one to tell tales but I can let you know that some walkers ignored the rule about never crossing a T (unless approached from the wrong direction) and in doing so put those of us obeying the rules at the back as we did an extra loop. Loops seemed a bit of a theme on this Hash as the path at times resembled a pattern on a Spirograph. Did you ever get one of those for Christmas? Rubbish present. But those loops enabled us to admire many parts of what I believe is the Circular Walk. Some straighter stretches took us past part of The Wilts & Berks Canal and rather surprisingly it had a lot of water in. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could join up with other sections, but Keith informed me it would soon drain away.
Although we had set off under grey skies, towards the end the weather started to brighten up and from a long stretch at the perimeter of the village we could admire the countryside towards the White Horse Hill.
We seemed to get to the On Inn pretty quickly, did I miss a loop? Or was it just that good company and lively conversation made the time pass quickly. I’m afraid I’ve no tales of the runners but they looked happy enough.
I see one of the photos shows some mysterious arrows around two manholes. Were we meant to pop out of there, I missed that bit but it looked fun. And talking of mysterious markings, apparently someone on the local Facebook page was concerned there were dog snatchers or tinkers in the area. They were put right though and can rest easy now.
As ever the après was warm and friendly, no bags or horn to present but GOM thanked Keith for his splendid Hash. And by the time we left the sun was out. Perfect.