Hash 538 – Crown & Anchor @ Ramsbury

Date Hare Scribe
29 Apr 2018 Jeremy  Simon

It was some 8 years ago when we last visited this Pub and used it as a Hash base. So, few of those who turned up on a grey and cloudy day could recall either the beer or the nature of the walk. Only a few wise owls had memories of the walk which Jeremy laid that day. So what was in store?

Well, the leaden skies did not deter a good crowd from turning up on the day and we all hoped that the rain would stay away and that the walk would be memorable. After a somewhat belated start, you know who I mean……. we were briefed and ready for the off.

The short walk was about 31/2 miles, the long about 5. We were advised it was initially uphill and slightly muddy and that there was a field of “wild” horses followed by an expanse of bluebells amongst the interest. The long and short walks should intersect and describe a figure of 8. So with these pictures in our heads we set off at a canter.

Initially, we turned down into the village through the lanes of traditional thatched cottages including some attractively modernised properties over the river and out on to the hills. The air was fresh and the sound of the river flowing cleared our minds, setting the tone for a relaxed climb up the grassy slopes ahead of us.

The path was well marked and clear as we ascended the hill above the town. Glorious views stretched back towards the village and beyond as we chatted away, for those of us who had any breath left. At the top we found the long/short divide. Very clear, very precise…. How could it be misinterpreted I hear you say ? One group headed down led by Adam and the other group continued up the slope. I am not entirely clear how it happened that Kathy ended up with the group who took on the long walk. What a surprise!

Those who took the short option were led back via a downward path which led through fields of beautiful cowslips (Adams favourite wild flower). No wild horses were seen but there were plenty of dog walkers and a horse and rider who followed for a while. The track passed a spectacular lake and house which was apparently owned by the late Harry Hyams.

He was, according to Wikipedia – “ a British millionaire who initially made his money as a speculative property (real estate) developer. He was best known as the developer of the Centre Point office building in London. He died in 2015 and his will stipulated that £450m of his fortune should be used to preserve Ramsbury Manor for the nation.

What a splendid sight it was.

Meanwhile, walkers on the long walk were blessed with a vast array of bluebells and wild garlic. Some spoke of the mythical whitebell. I suggest that it was a lack of fluids that led to the group being slightly delirious.

By the time the runners and the group who walked the short walk returned to the pub we had enjoyed a very lovely walk with no wild horses but lots of wild flowers, spectacular views and mercifully no rain.

Some 40 mins.later, the group who took on the longer walk appeared looking thirsty and ready for a rest. They included Kathy who had, for the first time on record, completed the long walk, if inadvertently. Well done Kathy…

Keith reported that 29 people had booked for the evening meal and that the next Hash is on the 13th May at the Bolinbrooke Arms at Hook when the hare is Brian.

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4 Responses to Hash 538 – Crown & Anchor @ Ramsbury

  1. Kathy says:

    Whoops, Freudian slip… that should have read “trail”! Sorry! K

  2. Kathy says:

    Excellent mag, Simon; super long trial, Jeremy – thank you both (and I’d like to add that I remained full of beans for the rest of the day, nay make that rest of the week! In fact, I’d do the long more often if it weren’t for the fact that I’d then miss the heart of the apres…). Kx

  3. Mike says:

    Disregard the last comment. All is now well.

  4. Mike says:

    I thought we ran from the Crown & Anchor

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