Hash 658 – Royal British Legion @ Ramsbury

17 Sep 2023Viv & JohnKevin

KVH3 doesn’t normally experience drama on our hashes, but we do have exceptions and today’s hash was one of those. 

Firstly it was our first hash to start from a Royal British Legion (RBL) club –  the one in Ramsbury. The volunteer staff made KVH3 most welcome.  They opened the doors to their club at 11, allowed us to congregate inside for the usual group photo (latecomers not included) and for our hares, Viv and John, to give their briefing before the On! On! Even the toilets were available.

One important decision to be made before we set off was how many wanted a bacon roll. Viv duly put the question to us hashers and I saw as many as 11 hands raised, including my own. Viv completed the briefing advising us that the short trail was about 2.75 miles and the long about 5 miles with John emphasising that those of doing the long should not go to Monte Carlo!

The On! On! was left out of the RBL and on towards Back Lane and then up Love’s Lane and thence into the countryside surrounding Ramsbury. Rain had been forecast, but luckily the sky stayed overcast with the rain holding off for most of us – except myself and Julie who walked the long trail and encountered it as we returned to the RBL. But we did see some lovely vistas from the hills of the Southward Down. 

We arrived back around 12:35pm where it seemed that everyone else had already returned and our fellow hashers were tucking into bacon rolls, enjoying cups of tea and delicious cakes provided as well as the ubiquitous beers and ciders. There were other food options available – the ploughman’s lunch looked very tasty but I couldn’t take up the option as a roast chicken dinner was coming my way later in the day. I did have a bacon roll and a fresh cream lemon curd slice both of which were very good. Jacket potatoes and beans on toast were among the many other options that the RBL were happy to provide.

Secondly – dramas that is – unknown to us, Soma had arrived late at around 11:15 am and set off alone taking the short trail ……… only to get lost. She phoned about 12:45 and Viv spoke to her and relayed some directions to try to help and I told her to contact us again if necessary.

Searching ….

Some time later I rang her to check on progress and when finding there was none decided to send out the search party. Viv and Julie left to find Soma with the aid of the location finding app “what3words”. By this time the heavens had opened and it was raining heavily. Some 90 minutes later Viv and Julie, with Soma, returned to Ramsbury, all absolutely sodden.

Many thanks to Ramsbury RBL for hosting us, to Viv and John for laying the trails from Ramsbury and for selecting the RBL club for hosting the après, which was something different from our usual pub.

Also our thanks and appreciation to the Ramsbury RBL for hosting KVH3 and providing excellent service, food and drinks – hopefully we will return to them in the future. 

Finally – especial thanks to Viv and Julie for going out in the pouring rain to find Soma and for all three of them coming back safely.

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