Hash 654 – New Calley Arms @ Wanborough

23 Jul 2023DavidMike

We have hashed in and around Wanborough so many times now that it is becoming very difficult to set a trail there which covers new ground. David however did a splendid job in laying a trail which was interesting, varied and fun. The weather was just right for hashing – bright and sunny but not too hot – and about 30 of us were there. We had some new faces including Greg’s partner Kay, who last ran with us about 20 years ago.

We mustered at the front of the pub for the traditional photo and then after David’s brief we set off along the road towards Liddington and turned right over the style where the path leads across fields to the church. This is the one that sits half way down a muddy bank and has barbed wire on the top. We all managed to get over this safely – except for James who caught his foot on the barbed wire and arrived at the bottom of the bank more quickly than he intended. He recovered quickly and we carried on to the church and on down into the valley – through the woods to the Horse and Jockey and up the winding path back to the pub.

We had the back room of the pub to ourselves for the après – which is just as well as there was no room for anyone else – and we chatted and enjoyed each other’s company, ate nice food and drank lovely beer and listened to GOM’s thank you speech.

A really well planned hash and après. Thank you David.

David’s allotment
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