Hash 458 – Roebuck @ Marlborough

Date Hare Scribe
08 Mar 2015 Fiona Brian

The la458 - 1st time we had a hash from The Roebuck was way back in 2007 and I was very much looking forward to this one, which I anticipated would take us into parts of Savernake Forest.

Fiona had got permission for us to use the pub car park and there was the usual chatter as hashers arrived to greet each other. And arrived and arrived and filled the car park to maximum. Always nice to have a good turnout but the landlord came out to request some of us to move our cars to allow other customers the use of the spaces. So there was some car shuffling before Fiona was able to give her pre-hash instructions. She then pointed the way uphill and off we ran towards the forest.

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At the first circle Des took the choice of carrying up Chopping Knife Lane, which I fully expected to be the way, but no…. The actually trail turned left and went northwards on what I believe was the old railway line. Though familiar to some, this was the first time I had ever run this way. Nice firm wide footing along a tree lined track. Then a left turn and into an area called Marlborough-Poulton. Past a garden still full of snowdrops. Open fields to the north of Marlborough now, though we did have a rather rutted track to run along.

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This part of the hash was quite long but the view was nice.

The route took us to the main Marlborough to Swindon road which we crossed to the large lay-by at the bottom of the hill. There was a footpath sign (which I did not know existed) leading upwards at right angles to the road. Indeed it went up and up and up. This afforded me the opportunity to stop and take a couple of pictures and wait for a few others (and get my breath back). According to my iPhone the pictures were on Marlborough Common and Ogbourne Maizey.

Then down hill with views now to the west. I was running with Keith at this point. We crossed the Rockley road and headed up once again over Manton Down. Again all new tracks to me.

We reached the old London to Bath road which we crossed into Manton village were we met Fiona. Then a turn towards Marlborough and then the very pleasant run behind the college.

458 - 5Back at The Roebuck we were able to sit despite the the fact there was quite a number of us. My coffee took about 15 minutes to arrive (grumble, grumble) but apart from that the atmosphere was one of jollity and good humour. The trail had been a little over 7 miles and we had basically circumnavigated the town. I thanked Fiona for an excellent trail and everyone agreed.

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One Response to Hash 458 – Roebuck @ Marlborough

  1. Kathy says:

    Well there were several walkers there, too, honest! And we were very pleased with ourselves when Fiona confirmed that instead of a 3 mile walk (as she’d announced in the carpark beforehand) we’d actually walked nearer five miles, up and down dale. A very nice trail, thanks Fiona, and a welcoming room at the pub afterwards, complete with real log fire – what more could we ask for?

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