Hash 464 – Victoria Inn @ Eastleach

Date Hare Scribe
31 May 2015 Margaret & John John

I’m always pleasantly surprised that when the weather is wet, or at least a bit unappealing, because we usually seem to have a higher numbers of walkers and runners turning up. This happened on Sunday, and the number of walkers increased further when Mike persuaded a group of Dutch walkers who were planning to do their own walk, to join us.

Also we had a surprise visit from Sam, running with us again after extensive travels in India, Malaysia and Cambodia. She was recovering from Dengue fever, amongst other ailments she managed to contract whilst on her travels, so not managing to run as fast as when we last saw her. Keith was also home again after a visit to Australia and New Zealand.

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Eastleach is a picture-postcard village, with an exquisite wool church standing next to a stream and a quaint clapper-bridge, which is a reminder of Dartmoor.

The Victoria Inn, in a prominent position on the hill, overlooks the village and church. Even by the standards of the Cotswolds the area around Eastleach is special, featuring rolling hills cut through with crystal clear streams.

The trail took us through foot high meadow grasses full of buttercups, and thigh high delightfully fragrant cow parsley. In one field there were cows with young calves, and most of the runners diverted off route to avoid them, regrouping again in the country lane. Later the trail took us through winding tracks in wet dripping woods, through several gates and three or four bridges.

By now the light drizzle had increased to a heaver drizzle and a cold wind, which was unexpected according to the latest weather forecast.

Sam and Viv thought that they had run at least an extra mile or so, as coming out into the lane they missed the arrow which took them across the lane through a small gap in the hedge up the steep hillside. Probably too busy talking!!

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A pleasant time was spent in the bar enjoying a pint or two of the Arkells beer, reflecting on another very enjoyable well planned hash. The only thing missing from this splendid Hash was the appearance of the sun, which would have allowed us to take advantage of the pretty garden at the front of the pub.

GOM expressed thanks to Margaret and John for such a well laid trail which gave us an opportunity to enjoy such a picturesque area.

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