Hash 523 – Cold Harbour @ Blunsdon

Date Hare Scribe
3 Sep 2017 Brian Simon

A small but select band met on a grey and drizzly day at the Cold Harbour in Blunsdon. Brian had been out in the rain ahead of us and prepared a series of walks and runs around Blunsdon. He concluded the briefing by hoping that the flour markings had not been washed away by the time we reached them, thus setting our expectations for further downpours.

The group split into a fit and eager looking 7 runners and the other 6 who were dressed in various levels of rain apparel, including umbrellas and rain hats – ‘Oh Joy!’ we heard them murmur. No dogs were brave or daft enough to attend and stayed at home in the dry.

The  runners set  off  at a pace, this week  without Sue  who had taken part in the Swindon Half Marathon the day before and was justifiably taking a break. We later heard that she had recorded a time of 1hr 58 mins. which is fantastic. Well done Sue…

The route initially took us north past the reservoir and behind the housing estate there. This was a surprise to some who had not been close to the reservoir before. It is amazing what we miss every day in our cars.

Bending round the back of Blunsdon Church and through the village, we crossed the Highworth road and dived off south towards where the big new housing development is scheduled to be built. This is still open, green and pleasant pasture land and despite the

recent intrusion of a gas pipeline was still typical rolling Wiltshire countryside so close to home.

Good news to all concerned was that it remained dry and clear and there was little need for rain wear. Thank goodness for that.

Once past the pipeline we climbed a gentle slope and paused to pick blackberries which were abundant along the path we had taken. Atop the climb we could hear the gentle rumble of traffic which was concealed behind embankments to our left hand side. We walked back along the old A419 which was recalled by some who remembered the Nursery and the tea shop which had once been there. A brief encounter with a yappy terrier interrupted our reminiscing as we strode out back towards our destination, the Cold Harbour.

One of the things I really liked about this hash was that we walkers seemed to keep together as a group. Perhaps the slow walkers are getting quicker while the faster walkers are slowing down a bit. We enjoyed a very convivial après hash at The Cold Harbour. I don’t remember the horn being awarded, but Ainslie nominated Mike for his selfless assistance to those who found the mud & hilly bits hard going.

Thank you Brain for a most enjoyable hash, taking in lovely views, plenty of flour, a little rain and not too much mud!​

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