Hash 571 – White Hart @ Ashton Keynes

Date Hares Scribe
4 Aug 2019 Margaret & John Simon

This was the first time we had based a Hash from this typically Cotswold pub and a good number of walkers/runners turned up on a warm but cloudy day.

The group included new walkers and several dogs as well as a motley crew of regular runners and walkers.

Margaret and John promised a flattish trail with few obstructions, no cattle and only a few horses to worry about. The group photo shows a colourful group of summer ramblers eager for the off.

So off we went in a hubbub of chat and a few yaps from the dogs. True to form we found the start a touch tricky but were soon on our way out of the village and across the fields towards the lakes which surround this area.

We came upon a graveyard of equipment which had been used in a previous life to extract gravel for the lakes. Today it was a sad reflection on our inability to look after our countryside. Shame on you Tarmac.

A number of quite high stiles were encountered and Adam, the true Gent as ever, helped some of the ladies over them. Not sure where the gnomes appeared but someone seems to be a very keen collector.

At this point it is worth noting that Mike F. was running away from his erstwhile buddies, the walkers, with his new found knees supporting a sturdy running style. This was his first attempt at running a Hash since his ops, so good on you Mike.

Further on we found this glorious example of an e-type from the 1970’s – what a little belter. Time for a photo. Not sure which way Kevin was going but we soon put him back on the straight and narrow.

A well dressed lady

Further on along the way we encountered a photographer who was looking out for Large Brown Hawker dragonflies. “A Large Brown Hawker dragonfly has obvious golden brown wings. Male: small blue and yellow markings. Female: small yellow markings.” At least that is what he said. He had not seen one all day and commented that they seldom settle and are always on the wing. We sensed he was probably looking in the wrong place…..

As we approached the end of the walk and entered the village from the other side we passed a rather grand house on a corner which must have been the Cove family residence on the other side of our family as it looked way over our pay grade. Nice sign though.

The pub proved to be very hospitable with some thirst quenching ales and food which was very tasty. The faggots and peas was a revelation.

On On. see you all in Frampton Mansell

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