Hash 601 – Prince of Wales @ Shrivenham

11 July 2021Viv & JohnSimon

This was our official handover Hash when our current GOM (Keith) would hand the reins to our incoming GOM (Kevin). We had all been primed by Mike to be sure we knew the words of the Down – Down song when the time came and were looking forward to the after Hash events. 

Before all that fun and frolics, however, we had a Hash to follow which Viv and John had laid at an unearthly hour. We were warned of several hazards – namely nettles, golf balls, cows and a busy road to cross. A good turnout saw a group of runners and large group of walkers set off. Some would follow a short trail of 3 plus miles while others would accept the challenge of a longer 5 mile trek.

So, off we went on a warm but cloudy day which promised rain. We passed the golf course on our right and found a wayward golfer looking anxiously for his ball on our path – no luck. Tales of rounds that could have been.

Mike set a spritely pace and soon our group was spread out as we approached the nature reserve adjacent to one of the holes on the course. At this time Henry took the lead and somehow disappeared into the distance. Soon we saw a slightly unearthly vision in the reed beds coming towards us. It must have been Henry‘s ghost but no, it really was Henry coming towards us apparently lost in the bog. He had missed a turn and ended up back with the main group to walk another day. 

The nature reserve was full of colour and lots of nettles up to our armpits. For our shorter brethren and for those in shorts this was a particularly prickly encounter. We had been warned.

The track took us over the golf course amidst the Sunday golfers who were somewhat surprised to see such a motley crew emerging from the swamps. On we went following a clear, if sparse, trail out beyond the course and out towards open fields and woodland. We saw no cows but plenty of evidence of them.

Arriving at the military base we carefully made our way around the site making faces at the CCTV whilst admiring the officers quarters.

Eventually we made our way back to the village and arrived at the Prince of Wales taking our repose in the garden at the back. Here we heard Keith give a heartfelt farewell speech which was laden with thanks for all who had helped him through the last few years. He was presented with several gardening related gifts and an excellent framed photograph of the Hash group.

The “Down Down”

Kevin then gave a short speech thanking Keith and looking to future Hash events hoping for a Covid free tenure with lots of laughs and good food.

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2 Responses to Hash 601 – Prince of Wales @ Shrivenham

  1. Kathy Thomas says:

    Good account of the day, Simon. Some lovely flower photos…. I don’t remember any of those, but perhaps I was too shoulder deep in nettles to notice them! K

  2. Soma Mukherjee says:

    great photos and commentary to round up a lovely hash

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