Hash 656 – Rose & Crown @ Ashbury

20 Aug 2023Viv & JohnNiki

Big thanks to Viv and John for setting a lovely Hash from the Rose & Crown at Ashbury – although actually I’m quite miffed with them as it was almost exactly the same route that Brian and I had been planning for our next Hash. Ah well, back to the drawing board!

Viv assured us there was “loads of flour” on the walkers trail so I’m not quite sure how most of us managed to go round in a few (ever decreasing) circles in Idstone before getting back on track. At least it gave most of the walkers a chance to catch up with the leading group. We had also been advised that there were no stiles but some fairly narrow fixed post gateways to negotiate.

I’m pleased to report that we all made it through these with no-one getting stuck but also that there was one semi-stile we all successfully negotiated with Mike (see pic) showing us how it was done.

The walking route was indeed about 2 miles – as promised by Viv – however it would appear that the runners route was somewhat more “varied” as Jeremy came in first but admitted to missing a lot of the route and Brian and Keith some way behind although even they admitted they may not have done the actual full route although I’m reliably informed they did cover about 4 miles which included a few stops to check the football scores. There was also a “middle route” taken by Kevin and Julie (ably assisted by John) as they decided to take a bit of a detour loop on the way.

Fortunately everyone did eventually arrive back at the pub although Keith went missing for quite a while, turns out he was hiding inside to watch the football, the result of which I won’t mention.

Hopefully not too many nettle stings were accumulated and thanks again to Viv and John for organising a lovely outing.

PS: did anyone else spot the bear along the way?

PPS from GOM: There were some rather strange hashers who turned up late for the apres. Did anyone notice if they were following the flour dots or the hay? The latecomers did get a free lunch!

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