Hash 663 – Patriots Arms @ Chiseldon

26 Nov 2023DesMike

We have hashed from the Patriots so many times now that you would have thought that laying a new and interesting trail would be quite hard to achieve. Des however, did manage it and we had a super hash. The weather was gloomy with a mizzle in the air – just right for winter hashing !

About twenty of us gathered in the car park for a very short brief from Des and then set off left up the hill, right along a narrow lane and on then out into open countryside.

We followed a well-marked trail in a loop past the Calley Arms down into the valley and back to the Patriots along the river. The walkers were back in an hour and a quarter but it took your scribe a bit longer as for some unknown reason he decided to do an extra loop.

The après was relaxed and pleasant. We filled the cosy area near the bar as acting GOM Jeremy (Kevin and Julie visiting their grandchildren in America) thanked Des for his well crafted trail and presented the bags to himself as he had been guilty of failing to find anyone else who deserved them.

A very good trail and an enjoyable apres

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