Hash 520 – Jolly Tar @ Hannington

Date Hare Scribe
23 Jul 2017 David Niki

As I left my house in a tropical downpour I consoled myself with the knowledge (oft repeated) that “It never rains on a KVH3 Hash…..”. Unfortunately today appeared to be the one exception to the rule as it continued to drip steadily for the first hour of the walk.

Our hare was David and, undaunted, 23 stalwart walkers and runners, plus 2 dogs, set off on what David promised to be a well-marked route although one that would take us through some fairly long grass in places. Both walkers and runners did the initial 3¾ miles on the same route with the runners then peeling off at that stage and the walkers advised to follow large wooden arrows instead. We were a little concerned that any passing, enthusiastic dog may have made light work of the arrows but there they were and overall it was a very well-marked course.

We initially passed through Hannington and down Nell Hill towards Kempsford before peeling off through fields of winter barley still to be harvested. Along the way we passed a lovely old farmhouse which had a rather intriguing covered water reservoir, fed by the stream, which could be spotted through a round window at the end of the building. After doubling back to Queens Road in Hannington we carried on through fields towards Highworth. At this point the long undergrowth on each side of the path was actually more shoulder height (OK, I am of fairly small stature, maybe it was only hip-height for the more lofty participants). By now, whilst the rain had thankfully eased off, most people were physically fairly damp but not dampened in spirit.

The course then headed south before reaching Highworth and at that stage we unfortunately had to walk along the main B4019 Cricklade Road for several hundred yards. This has never been my favourite stretch of road but luckily we weren’t on it for long before heading back along the quieter Queens Road towards Hannington. Before reaching the village we peeled off again to head through a picturesque wooded path (where the runners were sent off on their longer route) which finally brought us back to the Jolly Tar. A total of 4.5 miles for the walkers and I think about 6 miles for the runners.

I wasn’t able to stay for drinks at the end but I’m sure it was most convivial and I know from past experience that the Jolly Tar does a jolly good lunch!

Thanks David for planning a lovely walk, the rain wasn’t your fault and, apart from the stretch along the B4019, was very enjoyable

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3 Responses to Hash 520 – Jolly Tar @ Hannington

  1. Kathy says:

    Love the cartoon, Jer! I know you did a wonderful job, as always David. Sorry, I didn’t quite finish the route, but really enjoyed reading about the bits I missed, Niki! K

  2. Sue says:

    A thoroughly enjoyable and well marked route for us runners. Well done David! I even spotted you going ahead of us, on your trusty bike, at one point (when the rain was heavier) putting down extra flour……
    Thank you.

  3. Keith says:

    A refreshing hash, this one. The rain kept us all a lot cooler than on recent hashes. It wasn’t fully appreciated by the walkers though , and the hare was held duly responsible!
    Nice hash David, thanks.

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